8 research outputs found

    Enhancing UML expressivity towards automatic code generation

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    UML has turned out to be a great tool to exchange ideas among designers from abstraction to detailed design. When it comes to machine interpretation. UML description lacks fonnalism, coverage and detail to produce a fully fleshed informaúon system. Extensibility and genericity aIready built-in in the language can be exploited to cater for its deficiencies. UML diagrams can be refined and reengineered to cover unattended areas and rnissing information necessary for automatic system generation. GUI design, control logic and persistency can be tracked from robustness analysis diagrams down to generation of extended state, sequence, class and object diagrams. These diagrams are enhanced with new stereotypes and tags to enable machine generation of interchangeable UI paradigms, use case controllers and deployment of server entities. This enhanced UML concept is being tested in the development of a real large system using a custornized set of scripts in a CASE tool

    A distributed object-oriented design rule checker

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    VLSI algorithms are complex, dynamic, specialized demanding CPU and memory. To support such dynamic computing demands, it is necessary to employ a scalable system. which can be easily adapted and extended to run newer VLSI algorithms. This paper describes the design of a distributed object-oriented Design Rule Checker (DRC). focusing on its implementation methodology. It also proposes the use of XML to describe technology design rues. These rules were executed on a distributed 00 structure. The paper also shows that by using programmable scripts that carry out a modular encapsulated structure, a robust and adaptable system can be obtained

    Developing a distributed architecture for design rule checking

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    This paper describes the design and implementation of a distributed object-oriented Design Rule Checker (DRC). The majn focus is on the methodology employed to implement this distributed application. Code reusability is achieved using an 00 approach, making objects available for other tools, such as circuit extractor. The paper also addresses the application of design pattems, which produce loosely coupled elements, facilitating the jntegration of system modules

    A responsive client architecture with local object behavior deployment

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    Information Systems with a large user base require thin client technology due to deployment issues. Configuration and version management, added to maintenance cost are major players on this decision. However, heavy traffic loads and network latency impose severe penalties on users. A candidate solution to this problem must optimize users ergonomics whilst keeping maintenance costs low. In a straightforward approach, client architectures should provide web deployable local processing facilities. This paper describes an architecture based on the MVC paradigm capable of porting portions of the system to client executable scripts. Required entities are encapsulated in XML carriers and exchanged on demand between client and server side systems. Numerous user interactions are executed on the client side, relieving the network and improving responsivity. This solution not only enhances ergonomics but is also highly scalabled, delegating tasks to the greater number of client machines, whereas focusing server activity on more relevant operations

    Robustness Diagram: a bridge between business modelling and system design

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    Use case driven development has proven being a good approach for capturing problem semantics in an orderly, structured description. However, it specifies an abstraction beyond practicity to guide system design process. Robustness diagrams are a simple solution for drafting a more formal description for business modelling. This very simplicity may, however, detract its value, falling short of capturing the rich business semantics. Stereotyping is the essence behind its robustness diagram mechanics. Symbols convey the abstraction necessary to catch the model semantics. Increasing the number of stereotypes we can achieve a closer match from model to design. Rules carefully stated for robustness diagram can help to translate highleveI information into well-behaved and predictable symbolic descriptions. This enhancement to robustness diagram helps to patch the gap between abstract model and project into a paved continuum. It has been used to train programmers to extract working and consistent systems out of use case specifications

    A distributed system for microelectronic algorithms

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    Microelectronics tools tend to consume large amounts of memory and processor time. When circuit size outgrows the resources available on a station, its time for a scalable tool architecture. Applied to design rule checking of jlattened masks, this distributed; object-oriented architecture summons together the power of small, cheap desktop computers. The distributed system enables processing of larger circuits, assigning distinct parts of the problem to each machine. Larger circuits can be tested and testing time reduced as more computers are aggregated to the process

    Reengenharia do XUL, uma linguagem de descrição da interface do usuário

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    In a modern system information, the interface with the user is a concept key for the success. However, even though in the modero language of modeling "Unified Modeling Language (UML)" the specification of the interface with the user did not have the handling due. The language "XML -based User Interface Language (XUL)" [01 ], recently adopted for the Netscape for the specification of its interface, represents a concrete step in the route of a standard. Although complete and extensible, this language has its scope delimited to the local applications. The fact of XUL be flexible and extensible allows reengineering in its concepts resulting in a more expansive conception of interface with the user. This article considers XUL as a language of abstract interface's description that makes possible diverse rendering over distributed architectures. An abstract description of the interface allows that the final implementation is delayed and customized to the final requirements without additional cost. The proposal expands the semantics of the XUL so the interface's description is build in a model that equally contemplates local and distributed applications. This article still shows to the interactions of XUL with the Python language [ 06,04] and XSL [04] for automatic translation of models in UML for scripts JSP [15][16][18][20], in the case of interface's render in pages HTML.Em um sistema de informação moderno, a interface com o usuário é um conceito chave para o sucesso. No entanto, até mesmo na moderna linguagem de modelagem UML a especificação da interface coro o usuário não teve o tratamento devido. A linguagem XUL[01], recentemente adotada pela Netscape para a especificação da sua interface, representa um passo concreto na direção de um padrão. Apesar de bem completa e extensível, essa linguagem tem o seu escopo delimitado a aplicações locais. O fato de XUL ser flexível e extensível permite que se aplique uma reengenharia em seus conceitos resultando em uma concepção mais abrangente de interface com o usuário. Este artigo propõe XUL como uma linguagem de descrição abstrata de interface que possibilite diversas renderizações e leve em conta arquiteturas distribuídas. Uma descrição abstrata da interface permite que a implementação final seja postergada e adaptada aos requisitos finais sem custo adicional. A proposta expande a semântica do XUL para que a descrição da interface seja calcada em um modelo que contemple igualmente aplicações locais e distribuídas. Este artigo ainda mostra as interações de XUL com a linguagem python [06] e XSL [04] para tradução automática de modelos em UML para scripts JSP [15][16][18][20], no caso de renderização da interface em páginas HTML

    Aplicação de patterns no desenvolvimento de um sistema CAD para microeletrônica

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    Apresenta a aplicação de técnica de orientação a objetos para resolver problemas de integração em ferramentas de CAD para microeletrônica. A abordagem enfatiza o uso de patterns e componentização para obter homogeneidade e o reuso de software. Os componentes são responsáveis por realizar tarefas básicas como a interpretação de linguagens e edição gráfica. A divisão de arquitetura em camadas garante a modularidade e provê o acoplamento de ferramentas funcionais. A arquitetura também suporta a distribuição de objetos, aumentando o potencial de processamento em redes de computadores